International Student
Mentorship Program
for Women

What is ISMP for Women?

What is it?

5-Week Mentorship

1-hr meeting once a week for 5 weeks

  • Meet new friends! You'll be mentored in groups with 4-5 other women.

  • Groups are led by a post-grad mentor who has experience working in multiple fields (engineering, design, etc.)

  • Program is FREE, but space is limited.

What’s the Content?

What's Covered Each Week

Each week we'll start with a Connect Time where we catch up and share about our highs and lows of the week

  • After the intro week, we'll work on building skills in the Top Character Traits Managers Look For When Hiring:

    • Diligence (Time Management)

    • Leadership (People Skills)

    • Resilience (Handling Stress & Setbacks)

    • Humility (Self-Awareness)

When is it?

Two Fall Sessions

Session A
Wednesdays 12pm - 1pm
9/6 - 10/4

Session B
Thursdays 12:30pm - 1:30pm
10/19 - 11/16

We will be meeting at Michigan Union, but the specific location will be set as we get closer to the session start dates.


Please fill out the application below if you’d like to join our international student mentorship program for women!